![]() Has this ever happened to you? Imagine if. . . . A kind, quiet lady used to live next door, Ms. Whatsername. Occasionally her tree would dump leaves into your yard, but otherwise, you had a quiet and happy relationship and really, you didn’t pay her much attention. Then, one morning you woke up, and Ms. Whatsername was gone. The new neighbor wasted no time introducing herself. Her name is Ima Payne. Ima Payne is very different than Ms. Whatshername. Ima Payne likes to be center of your attention, she is always making noise, always letting you know she is there. She keeps you up at night. Sometimes she even keeps you from doing the things you really want to be doing in life, she might even get in the way of your relationships. Usually popping some pills will keep her noise from bothering you so much, but now even that’s not enough. You decide to call on the pros: Mr. Surgeon, has a drastic solution, “Let’s cut her out”. You decided to listen to Mr. Pharma who gives you a shot and some stronger pills.” But the shot hasn’t helped and the pills make you drowsy. You try exercise, but Ima Payne follows you to the gym and yoga class, noisy as ever. She’s persistent and isn’t taking Stop! for an answer. You finally say to yourself, ‘this isn’t working, I have to try something different.’ In looking for “something different” you found this article written by Kate Dennington, LMT, who offers a different kind of approach to dealing with Ima Payne. Kate says: “We're not trying getting rid of or suppress your annoying neighbor. We will work to calm things down between the two of you and tend to your needs with compassion. We are looking to establish a healthy relationship with you and a part of your body that is causing you discomfort and trouble.” The work is easy and gentle: All you have to do is put on some comfortable clothes and lie down on my massage table. You get to relax, and I’ll work to create peace between you and Ima Payne. Often, when you face your troubles in a supportive environment, you find or create your own solutions and pain and discomfort are resolved in an effective and gentle way. If you can relate to this article, and are looking to find a gentle solution to pain you are experiencing in your body, aka your “Ima Payne”, I invite you to learn more about the gentle, hands-on approach I use to help activate your body’s own healing mechanisms, all while relaxing on a comfortable massage table. Sign up here for resources and offerings to support your mind-body-heart wellness. Comments are closed.
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